By Mark Ledsom
Fri Aug 29, 2008
ZURICH (Reuters) - Ethiopia’s hopes of taking part in the 2010 World Cup were dealt a further blow on Friday when FIFA confirmed that it was cancelling a qualifying match against Morocco scheduled for September 7.
The world governing body suspended the Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) last month following a long-running row over what FIFA considered the wrongful dismissal of the association’s leaders.
“FIFA today confirmed that the match is cancelled due to the current suspension of the Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) from international football,” FIFA said in a statement.
FIFA said that the World Cup organising committee would meet on an unspecified date to decide what effect the cancelled game would have on the situation in Ethiopia’s qualifying group.
Ethiopia are currently third in the four-man group which also includes Rwanda and Mauritania.
(Editing by John Mehaffey)
Ethiopia to Take FIFA to Court
ADDIS ABABA, July 31 (Reuters) - Ethiopian soccer authorities said on Thursday a suspension by FIFA was illegal and that they would take their case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
FIFA suspended the Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) on Tuesday after it repeatedly failed to comply with a February 2008 agreement aimed at restoring its officially recognised leaders.
“The ban imposed by FIFA is illegal and EFF will take its case to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport,” the body said in a statement.
Unless the suspension is lifted, Ethiopia will not be able to play their next international match, a 2010 World Cup qualifier against Morocco on Sept. 7.
The statement urged FIFA and the Confederation of African Football (CAF) to send a delegation to Ethiopia to investigate the problem. (Reporting by Tsegaye Tadesse; Editing by Sonia Oxley).

The Moroccan authorities say they have broken up a militant cell operating in several towns in the kingdom.
The group allegedly had links with al- Qaeda and police described the 15 people arrested as "dangerous".
They had electronic and chemical materials used to make explosives, reports the state press agency, MAP.
It is the fourth such network Morocco says it has broken up this year. An al-Qaeda-inspired group has said it was behind recent attacks in Algeria.
"The members of this structure, known as "Fath al-Andalous" [Conquest of Andalusia], planned to carry out attacks in Morocco and had formed operational links with foreign extremists who have pledged allegiance to the al-Qaeda organisation," MAP says.
The BBC's James Copnall in Morocco says this is almost certainly a reference to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (QIM), an organisation largely based in neighbouring Algeria which has ties with Osama bin Laden's movement.
QIM says it has carried out attacks in several other North African countries, as well as the Algeria bombings which left 70 dead.
However, some analysts believe there is little real regional co-ordination between extremist groups.
Our correspondent says Morocco has been accused of over-dramatising the threat it faces from extremists, to benefit from support from the US and Europe.
Nevertheless, he notes that there have been attacks in Morocco: the most dramatic example occurred five years ago, when suicide bombers killed 45 people in Casablanca.
Published: 2008/08/29 16:27:52 GMT
Labels: Africa, al-Qaeda, Algeria, Casablanca, Morocco, North Africa, Osama bin Laden, Suicide attack
Ann Herbert is living on the eastern coast of Africa, volunteering in Morocco with the Peace Corps.
The Peace Corps, an independent federal agency of the United States, works in more than 70 countries around the world. The volunteers work with governments, schools, nonprofit organizations, nongovernment organizations and entrepreneurs in the areas of education, health, business, informration technology, agriculture and the environment to help those people meet the need for trained workers and gain a better understanding of Americans.
Herbert graduated from Mitchell High School in 2002 and Butler University in 2006 with a major in religious studies and minors in Spanish and business. She is the daughter of Christy and Hank Wintczak of Mitchell and Rod and Bridgett Herbert of Fort Wayne.
The past 16 months have been filled with new experiences for Ann, but also for her family.
The following is an account of some of them from the perspective of her mother, Christy Wintczak of Mitchell, and includes a description of her biggest project so far. The project has been planned for and with women in the community.
“For the past 16 months, our family has had the experience of having our second-oldest daughter, Ann, living and working in Morocco as a Peace Corps volunteer. I, myself, couldn’t imagine what was driving her to live in such a far away, foreign place, but this is what she wanted so we supported that decision not knowing what was in store for her or us.
“The first thing that became apparent to us was the dress code that was required of her in order of be respected and acceptable in Morocco’s Islamic society. She called home telling us about the women covered from head to toe and was worried the clothes she had taken weren’t conservative enough. I rushed her a package of lightweight, yet very conservative, shirts that would be bearable in the scorching hot summers. The shirts were cut so that the bottom went to mid thigh, the top went up to her neck and the sleeves went at least to her forearm.
“The relationship between men and women and their roles in society is very different from what we are used to. Ann’s work for the most part has been with girls and women, partly because as a woman, men are less accessible to her, but mostly because her work as a health volunteer is best accomplished when women are reached. Women are the ones taking care of the household and are therefore in charge of their family’s overall cleanliness and diet, both of which are crucial in preventing the utmost culprit of infant deaths in Morocco — diarrhea.
“Diet has been one of the most difficult things for Ann while abroad. In the states, she was spoiled with all the products we have available to us. She enjoyed living a healthy lifestyle by eating lots of whole grains, vegetables and fruits. All of these are available in Morocco, the difference being only convenience. Because she is an avid cereal addict, I have sent many boxes of pumpkin flax seed crunch or some other fiber rich cereal which gives her a break from cooking and a refreshing reminder of home. While there, she has learned to cook because things aren’t available in the ready-made form that we are used to. She has learned how to make her own goat cheese, peanut butter, bread, hummus, soy milk, tortillas and other things we just go to the store and buy. Besides ‘American food,’ she is also learning Moroccan cuisine, which consists mostly tagines and couscous. Tagine is a mix of meat and vegetables cooked in a special clay volcano shaped cooking contraption. t meal time, the tagine is set in the middle of the table where all can reach it. The volcano shaped top is removed and everyone tears off a piece of the bread sitting in front of them and uses it to scoop up some of the well cooked food inside. I hope that she will cook it for us when she comes home. Although all of this cooking can be an inconvenience, I get the idea she thoroughly enjoys this aspect of her life there.
“In working with these women she has developed many close relationships, especially with her host family. Ann suggested I send presents for her to share with those people close to her. Simple things like shampoo, lotion, toothbrushes, chocolates, Betty Crocker cakes with a container of icing are special and exotic to those she lives with. In an attempt to share her culture and nurture the most meaningful relationships to her she hosted a Thanksgiving dinner at her house (one of the days when the electricity and water were suddenly turned off in the entire village ) gave her host sisters Christmas presents, and celebrated their birthdays — none of which they had ever done before. I’ve also sent simple work supplies such as tape, transparent laminating paper, pens and pencils because these everyday work essentials are mostly out of reach for people in her town. She has used these to hold health classes for girls and women at their local health clinic and schools as well as holding trainings on association development and grant-writing for the local women’s association.
“From my understanding, she has multiple projects going. The first is a Tashlhate video project. She has worked with another nearby volunteer to develop a series of educational health videos in the local language, Tashlhate, that will be used by Morocco’s ministry of health as well as future Peace Corps volunteers. Although she is proud of the final videos, she mostly boasts about the process in which they were made. She held class for girls and women in the community on various topics such as tooth-brushing, diarrhea, purifying water, etc. After the class, they filmed educational skits featuring Moroccan girls that pertained to that day’s topic. Then the health clinic staff added a professional, detailed run-down of each topic. Some of the pictures were drawn by another volunteer who had studied art and then they put all those components together to produce the video. They now have 12 videos.
“... Currently her time is occupied working with her local women’s association to develop their baking project. Last year, with her help, they held their first Ramadan Bake Sale. Ramadan is a time of year in the Muslim calendar when all Muslims fast from sun up to sundown for an entire month. When breaking the fast as sundown, Moroccans eat various traditional delicacies. The women’s association saw this as an income-generating opportunity and therefore made and sold the customary baked goods. Last year’s project was a success, especially considering all equipment was thrown together by women temporarily donating their various cooking supplies. The money that they made went toward paying for sewing classes, Arabic classes for the illiterate women and to help start up their community-wide trash disposal program. Because of this project, women are taking a leading role in their personal and communal development. However, the project needs improvements. They don’t have good, or enough equipment to sustain the project and therefore have worked with Ann for months on planning a bigger, better version for this year and years to come.
“Although I miss Ann, I have come to see why she has chosen to pursue this adventure. She is getting to do, learn and see things she never would have otherwise. She has developed close relationships and adapted to a different way of living. I sometimes still find her experience hard to relate to seeing that it is so different from anything I have experienced. Ann’s family supports her in any way we can: through sending letters, pictures, packages, calling and donating to the causes she is working hard for. By doing this, I have learned a little about Morocco, about Islam, about my daughter and even a little about myself and the country in which I live. I know most of all, that we have so much to be thankful for.”
Times-Mail Staff Writer Krystal Slaten welcomes comments and suggestions at 277-7264 or by e-mail at
August 12, 2008
Labels: Atlas Mountains, Bell pepper, Cooking, Dietary fiber, Marrakech, Morocco, North Africa, Olive oil
Image via Wikipedia
Madrid - Morocco has asked Spain to give it temporary custody of a Moroccan convicted in 2007 of involvement in the March 2004 Madrid train bombings so that it can try him for the 2003 Casablanca bombings, a court source said.
The request was made to Spain's National Audience, the country's top anti-terrorism court, which in October 2007 sentenced Hassan Al Haski to 15 years in jail for belonging to a terrorist group that carried out the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people, the source said.
Spain's Supreme Court in July reduced his sentence to 14 years.
Morocco considers Al Haski one of founders of the Moroccan Islamic Combat Group, which has links to al-Qaeda, that is blamed for the May 2003 Casablanca attacks that killed 45 people, including 12 suicide bombers.
In 2006 Spanish authorities agreed to extradite Al Haski to Morocco but that cannot happen while he is in jail in Spain.
Al Haski is still under investigation in Spain by top anti-terrorism judge, Baltasar Garzon, who is heading a separate inquiry into the Casablanca bombings which targeted Spanish interests in the city. - Sapa-AFP
Published on the Web by IOL on 2008-08-13 14:23:40
© Independent Online 2005. All rights reserved. IOL publishes this article in good faith but is not liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on the information it contains.
Originally from:

- Detectives knew there was no conclusive evidence against the McCanns three days before they interviewed them and made them suspects.
- Mrs McCann refused to answer 48 questions when quizzed by police in September after she and her husband became formal suspects
- Mrs McCann wrote a letter begging for an end to the "war" that had developed between the family and investigators.
-The Metropolitan Police passed on a tip-off from an informant suggesting Madeleine may have been kidnapped to order by a Belgian paedophile ring.
- A Briton contacted police after seeing a child, whom he said resembled Madeleine, asleep on a train from Brussels to Antwerp, saying she looked like she could have been drugged. She was accompanied by a balding 6ft white man aged about 40.
- Madeleine could have been abducted by a stranger, seen by both a British holidaymaker and a British expat, loitering around the family's holiday resort at the time. Pictures of the stranger and descriptions were not circulated by police.
- In early May last year, Anna Stam, a 41-year-old assistant from an Amsterdam fancy dress shop, said she had spoken to a little girl called "Maddy", who said she had been taken from her mother while on holiday.
-The apartment at the Ocean Club resort from which Madeleine vanished was used by holiday-makers for nearly two months before police sealed it off as a permanent crime scene.
- During the early stages of the search, Portuguese police wanted to bug Mr McCann and his wife Kate, in order to eavesdrop on their conversations. However a judge refused the request.
- British consular officials in Guatemala were forced to apologise to a leading local lawyer after they stopped his daughter in the street, thinking she was Madeleine.
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